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Tuesday, 13 March 2012

…well, not with all the kids because let’s face it taking that lot out would not be chilled.
But Angie took three of them out yesterday in New Orleans where they are all staying at the moment. We think they are probably doing some sort of charity work there, because that’s what they are like, isn’t it?
Anyway, what we love about seeing Brad and Angelina’s kids is just how quirky they all are.  You know, there’s Maddox, who does funky things with his hair like having a mohican, there’s Shiloh who dresses like a boy with a strong tendency towards the military and now Zahara is getting in on the ‘standing out’ act.

When we caught up with them yesterday she was sporting some cool blue braids in her hair and to top it off she was wearing a big red flower.  Yes Zahara, we love it, although it’s slightly annoying that a seven-year-old is cooler than us.
But that's besides the point, what we want to say is that they all looked very happy and proved once again that the Jolie-Pitts are pretty much the perfect family.


Deji said...

You rock Angelina...


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